Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Nolan 21 Months!

Now that Nolan is 22 months tomorrow I thought I would do a 21 month post for him.  Makes perfect sense to me in my usual late fashion! :)

I don't have a current weight for him because his next well check at the Dr won't be until 2, and luckily have not had to go for anything else recently.  On our home scale that is always a little off says he is about 35 lbs!!  I think that is a little exaggerated but I don't think he is far off.  He is a tall, big boy!  In just the last few weeks I have noticed his vocabulary really expanding.  He will now try to say and repeat so many words.  And some words that were hard to understand before like for "ball" he would say "doll", he is now saying ball.  He is just the cutest, sweetest little boy and we all love him so much.  I love when I ask him a question he will often say, "hmmm", or "lets see".  So sweet!  He loves his sisters so much and loves when they play with him.  Loves to play outside in the water table and his sandbox, so thankful it is cooling off.  Loves to dance in the family room when we have music on the TV.  Has now discovered how to open all doors, and the refrigerator.  Will be getting those things to put on the door knobs later this week.  :)

Likes to do some coloring during school time!

Big boy using his spoon!

Slide at Chick fil a

We often call Nolan Buddy so Ryan had to take a picture when he got this!

Fire hat!

Fire boots!

hmmm....where is Nolan?!


There you are!

I think we have a little fire fighter!

Where is Nolan?!

Wewww it's hot in here!  Good thing I found a nice cool place to sit.

It has been a challenge to keep him out of here!

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