Sunday, June 9, 2013

A look back

The last few months as I was doing Nolan's month posts I have enjoyed going back and checking out what Alexa was doing the same month.  Sadly to say I don't think I have really ever looked back much until recently.  I mean who has time....right??  Tonight I took it a step further and checked out some other old posts that caught my eye.  Lately especially I feel like it is so hard to keep doing this blog. Not that I don't want to, I just feel that life is so busy and it is so hard to keep up with.  I have had many blog friends that were once doing blogs and slowly most of them hardly update or don't do it at all anymore.  With how busy life can be, especially with 3, I totally get how with so many people their blog has just gotten pushed aside and forgotten.  I have had many many nights my goal was just to put something on this blog.  But by the time I had put everyone to bed, cleaned up, showered (because if I did not do it at night it would never happen), got ready for tomorrow, fed Nolan again, checked e-mail for the first time that day, paid any bills that needed to be paid, looked at the time and saw it was after midnight again and that if I did not go to bed right now the morning was just going to be miserable....and then of course again the blog was just going to have to wait.  Well, tonight as I was looking back it reminded me of why I do this blog.  It is not for just the two or three people that actually still read it ( I mean thank you if you do) but it is totally for me.  It made me realize that how cool is it that I have a journal of our life for the last 4 plus years of most every major and minor thing our family has done.  I have what the kids were doing, what they were wearing, what the weather was like, how we felt.  At the time a post may seem one I was looking at tonight.  It was just about a morning outside with my girls.  Maybe one anyone else would pass over, but looking back a type of post that would mean the most to me later, but did not even realize it would until now.  It was a time when my two oldest were 4 and 1.  A time when we could just wake up and after breakfast go play outside and did not have to run off to school or dance....a time when WE got to say what we did and not have that time dictated for us.  It was so fun just to be reminded of what Kaylee liked to do outside in the mornings, and to see how cute my sweet LITTLE girls were playing together.  A time I can't get back but I am so glad I have those memories to look back to on this blog.  So, I know I have trouble blogging very often lately and will often go 2-3 weeks between posts, but it reminded me that I want to keep it up so I can always have those memories to look back on and to not just skip over what seems like the little things.  So, with all that said I am not having a complex about my kids getting older or anything!?!?  And...looking at the time it is after midnight again so I must go to bed.  Happy blogging!

September 2009

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