Friday, September 11, 2015

Apple Picking

Last Saturday we had the fun of our yearly apple picking trip.  The weather was a few degrees cooler then usual so that made it a little better.....not great but better.  You will take high 80's when you are used to being in the 100's.  :)  Everyone had fun and Nolan was really excited about it this year.  Last year he was still pretty little and did not remember.

Nathan all fed and ready to go!

Climbing a tree after our picnic lunch

Walking to the apple orchard

Enjoying his first apple

Alexa enjoying hers!

We eventually had to stop putting apples in Nolan's bucket because he would take a bite of each one and put it back.  :)  The guy at the checkout was so nice and let us just go give those to the pigs.

Nathan's apple :)

The pigs!

Ryan said to show our pig face.....whatever that meant....made for a funny picture!  :)

Ryan calling the pigs down so they could come get Nolan's apples.

They came hurrying down

They ate them so fast.  Nolan had fun giving them the apples

Petting the pigs

We had another fun year apple picking!  If only I had time to make apple stuff this year.  We on purpose took home less because I am just a little bit busy this year. ;)  We had apples and sausage for dinner one night and my goal is to at least make apple bread once and the rest will just go to apple sauce.

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