Monday, September 30, 2013

4's Preschool!

Wow, I can't believe Alexa is already in her last year of preschool.  That just makes me so sad.  :(  The preschool years are so fun and special.  She is loving this year so far.  Last year was a little bit of an adjustment but this year she can't wait to go and walks right in with a smile.  Sad that some days I have to remind her to stop and give her Mama a hug and kiss before going in, but so glad she is happy and ready to start the day.

Here she is at her meet the teacher day.  Loves her classroom and did not want to leave.

The big morning:

Requested the same breakfast as Kaylee except scrambled eggs instead of egg in the hole.

I think that day she decided to look older on me.  :(

Walked right in!

Just Nolan now!

Alexa with Mrs. Farr and Mrs. Peloquin.  These are the same teachers Kaylee had for 4's and we loved them!  I think it helped Alexa knowing that she was getting these teachers and had met them before.

 Checking out her welcome home letter cookies!  They were a huge hit!

This year Alexa started lunch bunch on Monday.  This is where she gets to stay after school on Monday and eat lunch with her friends.  She is loving it and so excited to have lunch at school just like Kaylee.  Last year we were not quite ready for this but it doing great this year!

First day of lunch bunch and showing off her new lunch box:

And just for fun here she is off to school on pirate day!  Totally up her ally!

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