Sunday, December 27, 2015

6 Months Old- Happy Half Birthday!

This month has gotten away from me and I am so behind on posting Nathan's 6 months.  He turned 6 months on the 11th.  This time of year is so busy, fun yet busy, but I don't want to forget to write down a few things.

~  On December 1 his first tooth popped through.  A few days later he got his 2nd one.  Still no others yet but I am sure another one is soon to follow with how much he has been drooling and his mouth has been bothering him again.

~  Is really good at rolling all over the place front and back and swiveling around.  Has also just started to rock on all fours but so far has not figured out how to move forward.  He has figured out how to move backwards. :)  No forward army crawls yet either but still manages to move all over the floor.  

~  We are working on sitting up but he will easily fall over so he still needs to be spotted.

~  I have had a crummy cough the last 2 weeks and Nathan has mastered the fake cough pretty well.  :)
~  Still sleeping good at night and takes a morning and afternoon nap in his pack n play.  He is so cute in the morning when I get him.  When he sees me he gets so excited he will rock back and forth on all fours.

~  No food yet but I plan on starting really soon.  With how much he has been sensitive with I figure the longer I wait the better.  He has just in the last week or so started doing better when I eat a little more.  Praise God!  He has been handling soy and wheat better in small quantities and I have even had a few cheats that included dairy in my Christmas breakfast casseroles the last few mornings.  They have just been a few bites but very encouraging he has not been that fussy and no blood in his poop.  I know dairy that is baked in things is easier to tolerated but hopefully if I take it slow I can slowly start to eat a little more normal.

~  He gets very distracted when eating and is not as interested in nursing as Nolan was.  Even at 3 hours for some feedings he could care less!  I am hoping with food he will be a little more interested.

~  Nathan loves to smile and is just the sweetest baby!  We all just love him to pieces!

~  He loves rolling around and playing with toys on the floor.

~  He is starting to get a little more vocal and loves making raspberry sounds.

~   Is now in size 4 diapers and will not hold still when changing him.  It is just too much fun to roll over!

~  He just loves his Mama and likes to be able to see me!  That is just fine with me!

Here are his stats from his 6 month appointment:

Height: 26in   19%
Weight: 18.3 lbs  61%
Head:  44cm  67%

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