Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, this is not exactly how I expected to be spending Mother's Day weekend. Alexa and I both woke up with the stomach flu yesterday. I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning up throw-up....not an easy task when you are sick yourself. Of course Ryan was working but I called and begged for him to come home and take over. Luckily he came to my rescue around 2pm. I don't think I realized how bad I felt until he got home and I got to lay down. It wasn't until this afternoon that I finally got to shower and clean myself up from all the throw up yesterday. Yuck! I just did not have the energy before. Yesterday we had a fun day planned with my sister but she was so nice to still take Kaylee out and take her to ballet. Today we were supposed to go to church and then my sister was going to cook us all dinner at her house. Lex is doing much better today but I am still feeling pretty bad. We did all skip church but tonight Ryan still took the girls to my sister's house so I am just at home feeling sorry for myself while everyone else is at dinner. Ho humm.... Since I have taken no pictures from this year here are some old ones.

Me with the girls last year. My how the girls have changed in a year.

My Mom with her grand babies

My Mom-in-Law with Kaylee and Ryan

Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful mothers and thanks for all that you do!! Okay now back to bed for me. :(

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