Alexa seems to be growing up more and more every day!
Still has not taken her first unassisted step yet. She will act like she is going to and then put her hands down. I know she is sooo close. She can move quickly along holding the furniture and can move sooo fast on her stomach. If we put her down and don't put the stair gate up she will dart right for it.
The girl is constant motion and loves to be free on the floor just to play with all the toys in the living room. Our house looks like a tornado went through it again every night. Kaylee had gotten to the point for awhile where she did not pull everything out anymore. Just the few favorites or what she was in to that day. Well, now with Alexa on the move baskets are emptied daily and the play kitchen and everything in it is everywhere!! Every night we have our work cut out for us trying to make sure everything is accounted for and back in it's place. Ryan only wishes I was not so OCD about that. I mean...does it really matter that I can't find that missing letter...or the play hot dog??? I am sure he was hoping that would go away with the second kid but so far that is a no go!
She LOVES to wave and clap and of course loves when anyone will do it back to her. We are working on high five. She will just hold up her hand and when we do it she will just giggle.
We are working on six teeth. Two have recently come on top, and the fourth one on bottom seems about ready to pop through.
She is such a sweet girl and always so happy. Such a bright light to my day! :)
I have to say this was the easiest photo shoot yet...other then the 1 month when she did not move. She pretty much stayed seated for me. Other then grabbing the sign a few times, piece of cake!
I was SO laughing at your OCD me with Kennedy and Brooklyn and B was the same way as Lexi and still is. She mixes everything up and puts it all in bags EVERYWHERE...and I do have a solution to fix that problem, have #3 and it honestly goes away because you are too tired and just plain don't have the time anymore :) Happy 10 mos. Lex Carter is right behind you!