Friday, February 3, 2012

No tooth for the tooth fairy.....this time around

This goes back to Monday, January 23.  Kaylee's tooth had been soooo loose on the Saturday and Sunday before.  Monday morning rolled around and she still had not lost her tooth.  I was kind of concerned with her going to school with it that loose because I was worried about it coming out at school and getting lost.  Now I know that is not THAT big of deal, but it was the first loose tooth, so it was kind of a BIG DEAL. :)  So she was sent off to school with the little tooth chest she was given at the dentist, for times like this when you might loose your tooth at school, and told her to let her teacher know if she looses her tooth  and needs any help, and then to put it in the chest.  So after school I actually forgot to ask her right when she got off the bus how her tooth was, and didn't remember until we got back to the house.  I finally thought of it and assumed she had not lost it because she had not said anything.  So I asked how her wiggly tooth was and she finally said, "well, it came out at school."  I get all excited with the "oh my gosh!!! let me see!! "why didn't you tell me?!?!"  I look at her mouth and instantly start digging in her back pack for the little tooth chest containing her tooth.  "So where is it ?", I keep asking as I am digging around.  Kaylee is pretty calm.  Well...
So above is the happy toothless grin.  Why you ask do I say "no tooth for the tooth fairy" in the title?  Because, we had NO tooth for the tooth fairy.  Seeing the lack of excitement from Kaylee as I am looking for her tooth I finally get out of her that she swallowed her tooth at lunch.  "WHAT" I not so calmly say, and "weren't you being careful while you were eating since it was so loose???"  Now, I know this is only a tooth, and she did not mean to swallow it, but I think this goes in the "Mom putting a certain expectation on one of your oldest child's firsts, and then being disappointed when it did not turn out how I planned"category.  I had the vision of her being able to put the first lost tooth in the tooth fairy pillow that my grandma made for me, and then reading our tooth fairy book before bed.  And of course sharing in the the excitement of the tooth fairy.  Now if this was any other tooth except my oldest child's first lost tooth, it probably would have been no big deal to me.  But don't worry, I got over it really quickly and then was able to laugh about it.  At least I did not have to figure out what to do with it?  Are Mom's really supposed to save those after the tooth fairy comes??   
Kaylee had still told her teacher at school that she lost (swallowed) her tooth, and Mrs. Bailey had a great idea.  She said to simply write the tooth fairy a letter about what happened to her tooth.  And that is what we did!  We did not want to take any chances of the tooth fairy not coming!

Holding her note by the tooth fairy pillow with her proud new smile. 

That note still makes me giggle!  Dear Tooth Fairy, Sorry I swallowed my tooth.  Love, Kaylee. 
I did save that.  That is better then saving an old tooth anyway!! :)  Notice her empty tooth box. :)

After reading "The night before the Tooth fairy"

And the note must have worked because she found this in her tooth fairy pillow the next morning!!

Okay, and I promise to not have the same drama next time even if any one else decides to swallow their lost teeth. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh Kaylee CONGRATS on your first lost tooth. You have a beautiful smile!!! Can imagine your face Jen when you realized she swallowed it and your dissapointment. You said it perfectly with what we put into our expectations of how things will play out. But I have to tell you this story is the sweetest and will last much longer in the memory department than the tooth :) what a story!!!


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