Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cali Cont. ~ Cute little guys!

I thought these were so cute of Nolan and Asher feeding each other at my Aunts house.  :)

More California- Gymboree

My cousin works at Gymboree and while she was on shift one night she let us come and play!  It was great fun for the kids!


Thursday, August 21, 2014

California Cont.

The next morning after Solvang we went to another beach close by that was pretty was a good half hour off the main road.  Ryan had heard about it and wanted to check it out.  We actually did not realize how far it was.  We were kind of pressed for time because my brother in law had to be at the airport later so we ended up only having about 45 min at this beach.  It was pretty but I realized I did not take many pictures.  Just a few scenic ones.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

California Continued~ Solvang

After Santa Barbara we headed to our hotel and then went to Solvang and Lompoc.  Years ago my Grandparents took my sister and I to Solvang and it is such a cute little Dutch town.  We sort of wanted to relive that childhood memory again. :)  The drive there is beautiful... rolling green hills, farm land, beautiful houses, cooler.....another one of those places I would say I could live.  I like how it is away from the busy city.

Nolan just putting his touch on the hotel room!

Friday, August 8, 2014

California Cont. ~ Next stop Santa Barbara

We had gone to CA 4 days earlier then my Mom and sister's family.  We enjoyed a  beach day, a Griffith Park day, and time hanging out at my Aunt and Uncles house.  My Mom and sister's family drove in Saturday and we met them in Santa Barbara.

Lunch at Sambo's waiting for them to arrive

Saturday, August 2, 2014

California Trip- Beach Day

In June we took a fun family vacation to CA.  We got to go for 12 days and it was so nice to have all that time together as a family.  Ryan and I both can't remember the last time we had a vacation that long.  Usually they have been just quick little trips of 3, 4, or 5 days. I have tons of pictures from the trip so it will take me a few posts to get through everything.

These first pictures are from our first beach day at Leo Carillo beach in Malibu:

This was Nolan's first trip to the beach!!

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